Sunday, January 20, 2013

Polyphasic sleep days 6-10

I have begun to keep a log of my sleep records on my computer, so I'll just post what I've been writing onto here as well. I track the sleep for the day as it goes, adding text to each day as the day progresses. Enjoy!

      Day 6 (1/15)

Core: 3-6:30
First: 11:50-12:10
Second: 5:10-5:30
Third: 9:20-9:50

Total sleep: 4 hours 40 minutes

Woke up extremely tired, was difficult to get up. This would be the first time I had a good reason to stay in bed, so I wasn't motivated to go back to sleep...Still got up alright. The mistake I made was to give blood that morning, as when I got home around from giving blood around 9:30 AM I was worn out. I drank a lot of water and stayed awake as long as I could, I ended up passing out a little earlier than expected, but I was able to set my timer so I didn't oversleep. I couldn't get the energy to get up and do anything after my first nap so I read a book to keep myself from drifting back to sleep. An hour or two later I felt better and was back up and moving around. I didn't fall asleep well for my second nap, but I am noticing that even though I don't fall asleep immediately it feels a LOT longer than 20 minutes. Even though I didn't sleep the full 20 minutes I felt fairly well rested after awaking. Third nap didn't go well, I can't get used to sleeping in my car. The rest of the night was tough missing most of that nap, but I made it through okay.

Day 7 (1/16)

Core: 3:00-7:00
First: 11:55-12:20
Second: 5:00-5:25
Third: 10:00-10:25

Total sleep: 5 hours 15 minutes

Overslept slightly, but woke up feeling refreshed and revitalized so I'm not too worried, I think that I might have needed the sleep to catch up a little. Went for a 10 mile unicycle ride this morning as I'm training for a big ride in April and I figured it was about time to test my recouperation with less "sleep". Was exhausted from the ride so I fell straight into my first nap, it went very well. Spent the day cleaning and organizing, second and third nap went fairly well except I tried to take my second nap in my car again and had pretty poor success with it still. Was very tired at night and had troubles staying up until 3, I am putting some blame on the ride and physical exhaustion. I also had a pretty high appetite most of the day.

Day 8 (1/17)

Core: 3:00-7:00
First: 12:00-12:20
Second: 5:30-5:50
Third: 10:40-11:00

Total sleep: 5 hours

I overslept a bit again today (woke up and laid back down, as soon as my eyes closed I passed out again), but again woke up fairly refreshed. My ride the day prior should have been taxing (I have ridden 10 miles before, just not in a long time) and post ride I felt like my weird sleep schedule should have vastly reduced my recovery capabilities. That being said, today I feel fairly remarkably uneffected as far as soreness goes. We will see over the next day or two how I fair, especially since I am doing another 11 mile ride today. Took my first nap on time and fell asleep quickly, feeling refreshed after awakening. I've noticed feeling less tired during the day and only getting fatigue near my planned nap times, I think I am beginning to acclimate...if only I didn't mess up my nap times! Got off on each nap later in the day, and writing this at 11:45 after my last nap I'm still very tired. I blame taking another ride today, making that 20 miles I've ridden in the past 2 days on my unicycle. My body isn't as sore as expected (yet) but there is plenty of time.

Day 9 (1/18)

Core: 3:00-7:00
First: 2:00-2:20
Second: 5:00-5:20
Third: 10:00-10:20

Total sleep: 5 hours

I'm making too much of a habit of oversleeping, so I think I need to take the advice I found on some forums where I put my alarm somewhere I have to stand up to get to it. First nap was WAAAY delayed, had to wait for a delivery man to come and install something at my parents house since they both had side is they were installing a sleep number bed with a built in massager, so I got to take my nap on a pretty badass mattress. Second nap was on time and although I was afraid I wouldn't be able to go to sleep with my other nap so close I had no problems falling asleep. I even woke up before my alarm feeling refreshed, which according to the forums means I got up and skipped the rest of my nap as my body got the rest it needed.

Day 10 (1/19)

Core: 3:00-6:30
First: 11:50-12:10
Second: 2:30-4:30
Third: Skipped

Total sleep: 5 hours 50 minutes

Slept very solidly during my core sleep, actually woke up before my alarm went off feeling refreshed. The morning was hard to get through, had moments of tiredness but again I put a lot of this onto my physical exhaustion from riding as much as I have. I plan to continue amping up the amount that I ride and hoping my body will adjust to it sooner rather then later. First nap went really well, I was thoroughly exhausted and passed straight out, problems waking up and I still felt tired for most of the afternoon...a fact not helped by me stuffing my face with WAY too much food causing me to go into a food coma. My second nap was both preemptive and waaaaaay too long, but I woke up feeling much better than I did prior. I think my body just needed a little more time laying down.

Days 1-10 total sleep: 47.5 hours

On my normal sleep schedule (7-8 hours a night) I would have slept somewhere between 70-80 hours by now, so it's a pretty substantial difference in functional hours awake. I'll keep updating as I progress.


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